Here are Aubrey's 1 month portraits that I had done at JCPenney's on July 15. I apologize for having been such a horrible blogger since Aubrey was born. My intentions are to still try and catch up on some blogging and to share a lot of pictures that we have taken at home so far in the last 40 days. The time since she was born has absolutely flown by and I am way more than occupied - I've got my hands full :) Lindsey is still overloading Aubrey with tons of lovin' and kisses. Aubrey is still such a great baby and only cries for the necessities in life - a.k.a. eating. I am so proud to be a mother to two wonderful girls. Life is great.
I took Aubrey for her 1 month checkup a little late on July 23. She weighed 9 lbs 5 oz and in the 39%. She was 21 1/4 inches also in the 39%. She has grown so much, so fast and I'm already wishing time would slow way down. She is perfectly healthy and the checkup went great. She even did OK with her 1 shot. She just cried a brief moment and that was it.